As the winner of the 2009 John O’Connor Film Award, and the
Hollywood Black Film Festival’s Best Documentary, “Herskovits, At the Heart of Blackness” is a fascinating film that
recalls the life and work of Melville J. Herskovits (1895-1963) while raising important
questions about race, “objective”
scholarship, and politics.
A pioneer
in the field of African Studies, Herskovits was a Jewish American
anthropologist who traveled extensively throughout Africa, documenting the
everyday activities of Africans, such as dance, body movement, family
structures and the roles of both men and women in African societies. In analyzing his mountains of film and field
notes upon return to the States, Herskovits concluded that cultural ties to
Africa existed in the African diaspora across the New World, including the
United States, the Caribbean, and the Creole of Central and South America. This theory, known as cultural retention, was not a new one. It was commonly accepted at
that time that most, if not all of the American Negros had lost their cultural
connections to their African roots during the agonizing period of middle
passage during the height of American slavery.
Herskovits did not agree.
Margaret Wade Lewis documented some of the connections Herskovits made
between Africa and Harlem in his field notes in The Impact of the Turner~Herskovits Connection on Anthropology And
As a Jew,
Herskovits was very familiar with the excluding nature of race and the struggle
to incorporate race into identity in America.
The film suggests it was this understanding of exclusion and the need to
understand and “own” his identity that guided Herskovits’ interest towards
anthropology. Herskovits struggled with his Jewish identity throughout his
career, and wrote: “drawing attention to your identity is a way of undermining
your authority because authority does not have an identity. Authority speaks with the voice of the
universe.” Was Herskovits to be a Jew, a Jewish American
or just an American? Did these labels affect his identity? The same can be said
for the American Negro. Negro? Black?
African American or just American? Did it make a difference? That, according to
Herskovits, depended on what those labels meant to the Western World, and
ultimately the Black Americans who were struggling to live there.
At the turn of the century,
anthropologists were entrenched in the concept of race, and were actively
seeking physical evidence rather than cultural evidence to empirically prove
the superiority of one race over another.
Known as scientific racism, this methodology peaked at the height of the
Nazi regime during World War II. Working
quietly back in the U.S., Herskovits concluded that differences in races by no
means equated to inferiority between races.
Herskovits advocated cultural anthropology over physical anthropology,
and felt that the world could not be adequately interpreted through “western
eyes.” Known as cultural relativism, this heuristic of understanding a culture
“from the inside” was clearly promoted by Herskovits, and was the beginnings of
what is known today as critical cultural theory. Can a scholar objectively study
another race? Can a member of race objectively study it’s own race? The film
ends with the question “Who has access to understanding and explaining a people
and to what use?”
Of much interest to my own personal
understanding of current race relations within the United States was the debate
between Herskovits and E. Franklin Frazier that the film and Africanisms in American Culture
detailed. A sociologist, Frazier
aggressively disagreed with Herskovits about the concept of cultural
retention. Frazier feared that pointing
out differences between black and white Americans would only perpetuate
segregation and undermine social change.
Of great interest to me is the discussion between the two about the
failure of the matriarchal household as it translated to the western culture,
crime, and the poor living conditions of black America. Are these examples of cultural retention? If
so, how could cultural retention be of any benefit to black Americans? I hope
to explore this in greater depth as this course continues.
Hi Amy!
ReplyDeleteGreat post. I too, found it of great interest the discussion between the two regarding the failure of the matriarchal household as it relates to culture, crime, and living conditions. I look forward to exploring these topics in depth. Also, a huge concern of mine when diving into the texts and video was the issue of whether Herskovits was, at some point or another, trying to mask his own identity. He could surely relate to the plight of the negro slave but I wondered if at some point did he view his research as a way to make him feel superior or the "authority" on blacks. I know I can sometimes over think things or be very critical on all points, so maybe my thoughts stem from this? Who knows? I just have a hard time believing that the "power of knowledge" did not create a superiority within himself. It was noted in the video regarding his "power over Africa." It's just a thought.